T he Internet is an absolutely diverse space for shared opinions and ideas. Especially now, during the times of ongoing pandemic and translocation of interest from the real world to the virtual reality, I believe each can find the supporting news blog of their interest. The issues and concerns within the media and society increase with days as an increase in the branches of the themes. Therefore, I would like to recommend some of the topics for further research and speculations on. 1. "Big Lion Sports" by Michael. Reference: https://biglionsportcom.wordpress.com/ Which analyzes the sports area as a separate culture for media attention. The interconnectedness between the mainstream and sport as part of our lives represents to what extent this sphere is present on a daily bases for millions of people. The idea of how subjective the discussion of sports might actually result in interesting speculation within its interaction with the recent situation in the world - COVID-19;...
R ecent (breaking) news Memorizing the posts addressing the issue at the beginning of the world pandemic COVID-19 and its interaction with the influencers/bloggers, the following theme appeared - divorce. First, it seemed ridiculous to read the online magazines about the increased divorce after forceful isolation at home, with the family, otherwise meaning, staying home 24/7 with your family. Who, in the name of this world, might think that it turned out to be a problem. As appeared, indeed, it is an ongoing issue. Besides that, the theme also mentioned earlier, is the overload on online platforms of informative content. ANY informative content coming from professionals or the people who are just interested in one or another topic. Therefore, on the Russian platform increased the recorded interviews and themes of these journals' interviews with the Russian celebrities of how to remain in love and "not kill each other" during the qu...