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What the experts say I

The following analyzed article citation: Benwal, N. (2020, Jan 16). Social media influencers must be 'cautious', says bombay high court. Free Press Journal, Retrieved from
Digging more into the research of influencers on media platforms and their responsibility, let's consider other examples mentioned on the other platforms. One such reporter was Benwal who analyzed the problem from the perspective of the comparison between journalism as the profession and its nuances and influencers such as famous figures known elsewhere but online. The reason to take a look at it through journalism is that people have the right to freedom of speech but besides that "treasure" they also should learn to be responsible for their actions and potential harm to others. The article mentions a crucial point within the investigation of the message delivery, that these public figures know that they have power over their audience and they use it consciously knowing the possible consequences of their context. However, resonance is seen in the dispensation of the given message to others', considering their feelings, emotions, and psychological or physical health as it is broadcasted on the way of trust in the announcement. What could be the reason to ensure the abuse of free speech and a position of influence? It is the profit the public figures receive. Indeed, most of the time they earn for their life on the commercial offers they get. And there the question of what to promote and the rights or even laws might be in contradiction. Therefore, as stated in the article "the Constitution of India provides the grounds on which reasonable restrictions on this freedom can be imposed" (Benwal, 2020). And that might be a positive change for the media platform. 


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